'Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil. ' 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22
WAKE UP CHURCH!!! Because this just goes to show how Satan can take that which is noble to cause division within the church having people question the other's faith because of the evil they choose to stand against. We didn't arrive in this position overnight either, just like Israel in the book of Judges we kept turning a blind eye to some evils while speaking out against others; and just like in the book of Judges the evil has gotten worse and so have the leaders.
I have seen today people lamenting on what is probably both sides of the argument regarding how could a Christian not vote for Trump. One was looking at it solely from the view of abortions and ending the practice here in the United States and thus voted Trump. The other is someone I know who is also extremely pro-life but also has been anti-Trump, I don't know who she voted for, but her the reasons were along the line of 1 Thessalonians 5:22 'Abstain from every form of evil.' as she saw the evil that Trump's careless, derogatory, dehumanizing words perpetrated among his fanatics, some views which when/if acted upon are the same actions that would put a woman in the position where she would be considering an abortion. One many Christians will praise for standing against abortion while giving the appearance of condoning all sorts of other evil, while the other has been called a bad Christian, that she shouldn't be serving in a church, and has even had people question her faith just because she made an attempt to stand against evil as the Holy Spirit led her.
Abortion is evil, but so is crude talk, a derisive proud boastful spirit, being divisive, etc. and to God the small sins are just as evil as the big sins, no matter how much we humans wish it wasn't so. There is only one unforgiveable sin and that is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
We are the church; we are the ones that should be reaching out to either prevent a woman from getting into the position where abortion is even a thought or helping her to make the right decision, as even if illegal abortion will always be around. We should be going out and telling those who others dehumanize that they matter, showing them the love of Christ, not just telling them, but telling them about God's mercy and grace offered to them through Christ's work on the cross, forgiveness is available to all. We should be telling them of the freedom we have in and through Christ, a freedom that transcends governments, presidents, policies, etc.; a freedom to do GOOD and not evil, a freedom that brings glory and honor to God's name and advances His kingdom. Remember if the church actually acted the way it should and kept our focus on God, and not Liberty as many American Christians have done; then the policies that a secular government establishes, no matter how ungodly, should not matter as we should have more of an impact on people allowing the Holy Spirit to work on their hearts, than anything the government may do. Places and times Christianity has spread the most was when it was persecuted the most. Tertullian said, "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church"
Let me end with this, and I have said it many times over the last couple of weeks, I don't care who you voted for as long as it was approached with prayer and done by the conviction of the Holy Spirit. To be honest if I wasn't a Christian, I would probably be worried about this country no matter which candidate wins, even if it would have been a third-party candidate. That is because if I didn't have my faith that God is in control and nothing will happen that is outside of His will then all I would see is that the country is doomed regardless of who gets those 270 votes. That is why the best witness we can have to the world right now is not to divide the church but to act in unity to stand against ALL EVIL, no matter the outcome of the election to rejoice in the fact we belong to God, give Him thanks for the freedom we have in Christ and for His mercy and grace, and finally to PTLA (Praise the Lord Always)
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