Friday, November 6, 2020

Warning to the “American Church” and a call to action for the true Christian Church in America.

Is your gospel used to serve your purposes? Does it promote a sense of self exaltation? Does your gospel state that you deserve your earthly liberties or that you are free to do whatever pleases yourself? Is your gospel used to be the ultimate wish granter; put enough faith in, make a selection and receive what you selfishly asked for? When you give a defense for the hope that is within you, are you defending a political system, economic philosophy, government, politician, or even your government granted rights? Your gospel is one of self-indulgence, self-satisfaction, personal glorification, financial gain, it is of prideful boasts and holds yourself in such high esteem that you seek blessings under the belief that you deserve and have earned them. Your gospel views God as being a means to an end, a tool and servant for your own selfish desires, to provide you with that which you feel you deserve. You have created a god whose purpose and existence is to serve yourself, and you have led many astray, including many of God’s children, by this gospel falsely preached in the name of Christ. You do not serve the God of the Bible, but serve the two sides of the goddess Liberty which are Freedom and Rebellion, you view your faith as a license to do what pleases you at all costs and that not even the God of the Bible is allowed to take your goddess Liberty away from you. You fight against earthly authority and by extension God’s authority if their laws and decrees infringe on your desires. You also fight directly against God’s authority by holding yourself in such high esteem that you believe He owes you everything you selfishly desire, whether material riches, freedom from the consequences of your actions, or civil liberties. There is no difference between you and the Atheists except they truthfully and openly live in rebellion to God, while you hide behind a copy of God to conceal your rebellion. You view the civil liberties and freedoms granted to you through the government as something God owes you, or you seek freely to do what you want in order to fill your heart desires, picking and choosing passages to preach so long as it suits your purposes and that of elevating whatever flavor of your goddess, Liberty, that you desire. Matthew 13:27-30 shows that your time is coming when the true Christian Church will be separated from you. Your works and gospel will eventually be exposed as false and your gods as not gods. The day will come when the true Christians among you will realize they are wheat among the weeds, and those of your gospel in the true Christian church will be found out to be weeds among the wheat. If what I have just said offends you, yet you feel it doesn’t apply to you; I ask that you prayerfully examine your heart to make sure you are not one of those among the weeds.
To the true Christian church in America, we need to speak up. We need to drown out the incoherent noise of the gospel of the “American Church” with the sweet sound of the true Gospel of Christ. If you believe in the true Gospel, you will see that we are to serve God, not the other way around. We are to give up self; selfish desires, personal glory, pride, and seeking out personal blessings in order to serve God with our whole heart. You will believe that God is not to be a means to an end; rather, He is to be the end which gives our lives meaning. You will believe that true Gospel tells us we deserve nothing more than death due to our sins; but God freely gives us life through Christ and freedom from sin and death, not because we earned it but because He loves us and died for us taking our punishment on Himself. Our faith and by extension good works are not to be used to seek out His blessings as though we deserve them or can even earn them; but it is to be an expression of our gratitude for the blessings He has freely given to us no matter how big or small. Seek first God and go after Him only and you will find that your desires will be met, not because He will give you what you want due to selfish desires, but because He will change your desires to where He is all you want. It is for this reason, because of Christ being our only desire, that the true Christian will be able to “Praise the Lord Always!”

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