I saw a headline somewhere that stated the issue of abortion was only the considered by about 3% of the voters. Then I recently saw a page on Facebook stating basically that anyone that didn't vote Republican were unrepentant sinners, needless to say I unliked this Republican worshiping page as there was nothing sinful with the Republican candidate for president. Now I am not condemning anyone for how they voted, especially if they voted after prayer and how the Holy Spirit convicted them but the only reason I say that this page is Republican worshiping is that in basically stating there was nothing sinful with voting Republican they were turning a blind eye to a number of evils that while not in proposed policies, we often believe the president has more power than he actually has since he has to get past congress, there are also sins and evils that are propagated through the candidate's character which I would say is more harmful to the character and sinfulness of a nation than policies. Just because something is a legal doesn't mean one has to partake in it; drinking is legal in many states as is some form of Marijuana use, but are you forced to partake in either activity? No, we are not we have the choice not to partake in those activities, just like how abortion is legal, but a pregnant woman doesn't have to have an abortion. On the flipside, when we see a leader with a questionable moral character and appears to unrepentantly flaunt that though their words and actions many will take that a permission to talk and act the same way which can lead to just as evil actions as abortion, such as the actions that would put a woman in the position to consider an abortion. Think about it if a company has a leader with questionable morals those attitudes don't stop at the top, they will trickle down first to those most loyal to the leadership and eventually to the rest as people will either leave due to not agreeing with the character of those around them or they will change their character to match those around them. Take a look at Lot, Peter called Lot righteous, yet his moral character was corrupted by the character of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, he spoke out against their policies yet his character became just as questionable as those around him.
Yes, abortion is evil, but so is racism, a prideful spirit, derogatory language, enmity, strife, fits of anger, rivalries, envy, divisions, actually all sin and any sin are just as equally evil; in James we are told that breaking just one part of the law, making just one sin, one is guilty of breaking the whole law. So as a Christian before condemning someone for how they voted because they didn't vote directly against your chosen evil, we should realize they were more than likely voting against a different evil as no candidate or platform was free from being evil. Remember Satan wants division and will use anything, no matter how noble it may be to cause that division. A true Christian will rise above that recognize that each of us may have had different convictions, which to go against would be sin, that had us vote the way we did. A true Christian rather that arguing and complaining about how people voted, or who becomes president will be looking for ways to fulfill the Great Commission; sharing the Gospel to ALL nations, even our own. We are to be more focused on promoting and advancing God's Heavenly Kingdom than promoting and advancing an earthly one.
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