With it looking like Biden will be the next president, I am seeing people posting like it will be the end of the world and abortions will skyrocket to an all time high. Why take such a defeatist approach? This defeatist attitude is letting Satan win; letting him win in general and letting him have power over you specifically. Why place such great faith and hope in the government in general and the president specifically? Is not God sovereign? Is there anything on earth that can overrule His will? Throwing our hands up in defeat shows the world that either our God is not as powerful or great as we claim, or our faith is not in the God in which we claim to place our trust.
The church for far too long has relied on the government to do the church's job, in many ways. Rather than throw up our hands in defeat, why don't we be the church we are called to be. Individual relationships a personal touch will have more of an impact at preventing abortions than anything the government may do, that even includes if they were to make abortion illegal. Maybe we should be active in our communities, doing more than just picketing at clinics, but by actually reaching out to the brokenhearted, to those that feel an abortion is their only choice. Show them the love of Christ, talk with them, listen to their stories and why they have gotten into this position, pray for them regardless of what their decision is, and pray with them for the Holy Spirit to work in their lives to where they turn their hearts to Christ. Let them know that they aren't alone and that no matter what they have a loving Father in heaven. This is the opportunity for the church to shine, stop hoping in a government to solve all our problems, stop placing hope in a president, and stop hoping in laws of the land; rather place your hope in God. Maybe He is using such a time as this to get the church to act and not just sit on the sidelines cheering on the actions of a secular government or politician.
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