Friday, November 27, 2020

My Recent Silence

 I apologize for not having any recent posts. The main reason is that God hasn't given me anything to share. I am working on a couple of projects that I will be using this blog for besides sharing those short messages God gives me to share. First will be doing book reviews, I have one book I have just finished reading which I will be working on reviewing and a couple more in the queue. I also am considering posting some of my more creative writings on here, which includes reposting many of my poems that I had written a couple of years ago but had taken down off another of my sites. I know this is a short post but I figured I would give an update and something for everyone to look forward to.

Friday, November 13, 2020

The Church with a misplaced focus.

 ' “Write to the angel of the church in Ephesus: Thus says the one who holds the seven stars in his right hand and who walks among the seven golden lampstands: I know your works, your labor, and your endurance, and that you cannot tolerate evil people. You have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and you have found them to be liars. I know that you have persevered and endured hardships for the sake of my name, and you have not grown weary. But I have this against you: You have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember then how far you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. Otherwise, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent. Yet you do have this: You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. “Let anyone who has ears to hear listen to what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. ' Revelation 2:1-7

The Church with a misplaced focus. If not familiar with this passage from Revelation, though who hasn't heard of the church that lost its first love, most Christians have probably heard of the church of Ephesus. This was the church that in Acts Paul spent 3 years ministering at. It was the only church that Paul gave a farewell speech to the elders, actually warning them to be on the lookout for everything that Jesus praises them for. By this point this church was keeping faithful to the faith. They were regularly attending church, reading the Scripture, testing their teachers and pastors to make sure they weren't teaching a false gospel. They were speaking out against various sins with zeal. So, what did Christ have against them? They lost the love they had at first. Now some may think this meant they turned away from the faith, but they were still being faithful, all their actions were done because of and for their faith. The problem is that they lost that zeal for Christ that caused them to have that million-dollar bonfire without being prompted to they decided to burn all of their pagan books. Their focus shifted, ever so slightly at first, from looking to Christ and have everything else follow until they were looking to everything else and expecting Christ to follow, and ended up way off track and Christ someplace else because of that misplaced focus. That zeal and pure worship of God died out as they became more concerned about keeping true to the Gospel, keeping out false teachings, keeping out false practices, speaking out against sinful behaviors, etc. until that was all they were focused on and their faith was just a reason for it. They were no longer actions produced from a desire driven by love, but actions followed because of their faith. Just like in a boat if it is pointed just a fraction of a degree off course, further down the line they could be miles away from where it should be if the course is never corrected. This is why every day we need to seek God and ask if we need to do a course correction before it becomes too bad. Remember anytime your focus shifts off of Christ you are no longer heading towards God.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Be alert, the church needs to watch out for ANY spirit of antichrist not just The Antichrist!

'Knowing their thoughts, he told them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is headed for destruction, and no city or house divided against itself will stand."' Matthew 12:25

Let me state this, often as Christians  we are always looking out for "The Antichrist" we often ignore the fact we are warned of many false messiahs, false prophets, and false teachers, all that come in a spirit of antichrist, whose goal is to lead the elect astray. This means Satan's goal with these is not to draw the world to him for he already has them. He also knows that he can't lead the church astray with things that appeal to the world, as few would follow. What can lead the church astray is to prey on those that view specific issues as more important than anything else, like abortion is more evil than any other sin, and use someone whose character expresses many other sins yet they claim to be against abortion, have them run for a major public office, and as the single issue voters ignore the caution signs and red flags, they view those that look at the caution signs and red flags as being sinners that need to repent or not even Christians. This causes division as believers start fighting with each other over this issue, some even becoming more focused on the issue than they are on Christ, some to the point where it appears they start to worship their stance on abortion instead of Christ, as they appear to point people to their view on abortion rather than pointing them to Christ and letting Him change the views. Remember the pharisees were known for drawing attention to themselves by saying "look at me, look at me worshiping God, look at how righteous I am by keeping the law;" but they were focused on self, on the law, on how they appear to the world, but not on God Himself.

Whether Trump’s legal challenges to the election results stick or not, I will say that Satan has used the "Pro-life" platform and Trump’s character to wrap this most recent election in a spirit of antichrist. Now I am not claiming Trump is "The Antichrist" or even one of many antichrists or false messiahs that as Christians we are to watch out for; what I perceived as at least a major caution sign may have just been him being extremely spiritually immature or at least that is what I hope although I am concerned seeing that many people appear to be worshiping him. What I will say is that many SINGLE ISSUE voters that view abortion as the only issue to decide their vote on are being used by Satan to divide the church. They fall under the false assumption that if one didn't vote for the candidate that was against abortion (Trump) then they either aren't Christians or are sinning and need to repent because they support abortion because they didn’t vote for the anti-abortion candidate. They often don't care about the character of the candidate being willing to turn a blind eye to a number of sins as long as they claim to be against abortion; regardless of the fact that we are given numerous examples, as well as multiple verses, that warn us about bad character, bad leadership, can corrupt those around them as well as those under their authority. Just like not everyone that voted for Trump agrees with his character, not everyone that voted against Trump is for abortions, and every third-party candidate that I looked into was somewhere on the “pro-choice” spectrum, whether it was to not take a stance either way or to be willing to allow it to the levels of the Democratic party’s position. Only 3% of voters actually used abortion as an issue when making their decision on supporting a candidate.

Now a slight warning about the misplaced worship that is resulting with this division; which if not part of the spirit of antichrist it is still a thing to be cautious of since anything that takes your focus off of Christ is moving your worship to that where your focus goes, and when you are pointing people more to your stance against abortion, than to the free gift of grace offered by faith through the sacrifice of Christ, you are in a way worshiping abortion as you are putting your focus on that, even if you mention God or your faith as a footnote for pointing to your stance against it. Just like low self-esteem is a form of pride, focusing on being anti-abortion over the Gospel is worshiping abortion.

Let me leave you with a couple of verses to dwell and reflect on along with Matthew 12:25.

'Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. ' 1 Peter 5:8

'Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. ' 1 John 2:18

'Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. ' 1 John 4:1

' Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor? ' James 4:11-12

Sunday, November 8, 2020

A caution to Christians about the website Parler

 Do your research remember Satan will try anything to decieve, discredit and try to destroy the church.

I have recently seen a lot of Christians looking to move off of Facebook, or at the least find someplace they can go in addition to Facebook that won't possibly censor their voice. The most recent platform I have seen people pushing is Parler. The draw that sites like this has for people is that they promote "free speech" meaning they at least right now they won't censor any posts due to what is said, sounds good right? Well I googled Parler and a blurb from a nonrelated site, or how the world sees Parler, used to describe the site states, "Parler has a significant user base of Trump supporters, conservatives, and Saudi nationalists. Posts on the website often contain far-right content, ANTISEMITISM, and conspiracy theories." (Emphasis mine) Now I won't say as a Christian not to use the platform that is between you and the Holy Spirit, but I will say you should pray before you do. I know I wouldn't be comfortable with Christianity in general or myself personally being associated with antisemitism in any way even if it through a website known for others expressing that view.

An Illustration that shows what I am talking about in the previous paragraph:

While looking at the blurb from what many people see when the look at the site Parler we see that two of the three main voices on the site are Trump supporters and Conservatives; I had even highlighted them for you. Seeing that they are among the main voices on the site and some of the main beliefs expressed and supported are antisemetic in nature one could assume that Trump supporters and Conservatives are actually not for Israel, regardless of what the Republican platform states; although I would believe/hope that most of the antisemitic views on the site are expressed by the Saudi nationalists and not the other two, it is easy to see how a certian view or opinion can be attributed to a group just by association with a site that is known for being a place to freely express those views and opinions.

A bad character/personality is just as harmful as policies

I saw a headline somewhere that stated the issue of abortion was only the considered by about 3% of the voters. Then I recently saw a page on Facebook stating basically that anyone that didn't vote Republican were unrepentant sinners, needless to say I unliked this Republican worshiping page as there was nothing sinful with the Republican candidate for president. Now I am not condemning anyone for how they voted, especially if they voted after prayer and how the Holy Spirit convicted them but the only reason I say that this page is Republican worshiping is that in basically stating there was nothing sinful with voting Republican they were turning a blind eye to a number of evils that while not in proposed policies, we often believe the president has more power than he actually has since he has to get past congress, there are also sins and evils that are propagated through the candidate's character which I would say is more harmful to the character and sinfulness of a nation than policies. Just because something is a legal doesn't mean one has to partake in it; drinking is legal in many states as is some form of Marijuana use, but are you forced to partake in either activity? No, we are not we have the choice not to partake in those activities, just like how abortion is legal, but a pregnant woman doesn't have to have an abortion. On the flipside, when we see a leader with a questionable moral character and appears to unrepentantly flaunt that though their words and actions many will take that a permission to talk and act the same way which can lead to just as evil actions as abortion, such as the actions that would put a woman in the position to consider an abortion. Think about it if a company has a leader with questionable morals those attitudes don't stop at the top, they will trickle down first to those most loyal to the leadership and eventually to the rest as people will either leave due to not agreeing with the character of those around them or they will change their character to match those around them. Take a look at Lot, Peter called Lot righteous, yet his moral character was corrupted by the character of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, he spoke out against their policies yet his character became just as questionable as those around him.

Yes, abortion is evil, but so is racism, a prideful spirit, derogatory language, enmity, strife, fits of anger, rivalries, envy, divisions, actually all sin and any sin are just as equally evil; in James we are told that breaking just one part of the law, making just one sin, one is guilty of breaking the whole law. So as a Christian before condemning someone for how they voted because they didn't vote directly against your chosen evil, we should realize they were more than likely voting against a different evil as no candidate or platform was free from being evil. Remember Satan wants division and will use anything, no matter how noble it may be to cause that division. A true Christian will rise above that recognize that each of us may have had different convictions, which to go against would be sin, that had us vote the way we did. A true Christian rather that arguing and complaining about how people voted, or who becomes president will be looking for ways to fulfill the Great Commission; sharing the Gospel to ALL nations, even our own. We are to be more focused on promoting and advancing God's Heavenly Kingdom than promoting and advancing an earthly one.

Stop expecting the government to be the church

 With it looking like Biden will be the next president, I am seeing people posting like it will be the end of the world and abortions will skyrocket to an all time high. Why take such a defeatist approach? This defeatist attitude is letting Satan win; letting him win in general and letting him have power over you specifically. Why place such great faith and hope in the government in general and the president specifically? Is not God sovereign? Is there anything on earth that can overrule His will? Throwing our hands up in defeat shows the world that either our God is not as powerful or great as we claim, or our faith is not in the God in which we claim to place our trust.

The church for far too long has relied on the government to do the church's job, in many ways. Rather than throw up our hands in defeat, why don't we be the church we are called to be. Individual relationships a personal touch will have more of an impact at preventing abortions than anything the government may do, that even includes if they were to make abortion illegal. Maybe we should be active in our communities, doing more than just picketing at clinics, but by actually reaching out to the brokenhearted, to those that feel an abortion is their only choice. Show them the love of Christ, talk with them, listen to their stories and why they have gotten into this position, pray for them regardless of what their decision is, and pray with them for the Holy Spirit to work in their lives to where they turn their hearts to Christ. Let them know that they aren't alone and that no matter what they have a loving Father in heaven. This is the opportunity for the church to shine, stop hoping in a government to solve all our problems, stop placing hope in a president, and stop hoping in laws of the land; rather place your hope in God. Maybe He is using such a time as this to get the church to act and not just sit on the sidelines cheering on the actions of a secular government or politician.


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Listen to the warnings

 My posts are not to state who I believe or want to eventually win the election, not my call and not my message. They also are not to stand in condemnation of a particular candidate, again not my call not and my message. They are to reach those who can hear with the warning of falling prey to the gospel that uses Christ for your own purposes. A gospel that rather than looking to Christ as the goal, sees Him as a servant to promote the goddess Liberty in all her forms and fashion. I would rather give a warning that goes ignored than to be held accountable for ignoring a warning I am supposed to give.

'When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require from your hand. But if you on your part warn a wicked man to turn from his way and he does not turn from his way, he will die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your life... Say to them, ‘As I live!’ declares the Lord God, ‘I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil ways! Why then will you die, O house of Israel?’... “Yet your fellow citizens say, ‘The way of the Lord is not right,’ when it is their own way that is not right. When the righteous turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, then he shall die in it. But when the wicked turns from his wickedness and practices justice and righteousness, he will live by them. Yet you say, ‘The way of the Lord is not right.’ O house of Israel, I will judge each of you according to his ways.” ' Ezekiel 33:8-9,11,17-20

Warning to the Christian whose hope is in Trump

 It is sad to see those that I had at one time thought were brothers and sisters in Christ how they have appeared to fallen away from the Gospel. A year and some change ago I had posted on Facebook a warning pointing to Matthew 24:24, where Jesus warns of false messiahs and false prophets that will lead even the church astray, in regards to Trump praising a radio host that had in a roundabout way elevated Trump to a god like status if not calling him god. And now I see some who I at one time thought Christian making posts that have me question whether their hope is truly in God; as it appears their hope is in Trump or the Republican Party instead. It appears that they believe their salvation is not in the God of the Bible but in a human whose power and authority is only temporary and finite. How can you fulfill the Great Commission if your gospel looks to a man whose time and power is like a microscopic spec in the frame of eternity? How can you reach the nations when your hope is in a man whose authority is only temporary and tied to only one nation? Hosea 13:4 states, "Yet I have been the Lord your God since the land of Egypt; and you were not to know any god except Me, for there is no savior besides Me." Examine your hearts seek where your true hope is located is it in man or is it in God? The mouth (hands on the keyboard) speaks what is in the heart, and what I see is a lot of Christians whose hope is not in Christ but hose hope is in Trump.

Now let me say this is by no means meant to be bashing Trump, but rather calling out those "Christians" that appear to be worshiping Trump.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Warning to the “American Church” and a call to action for the true Christian Church in America.

Is your gospel used to serve your purposes? Does it promote a sense of self exaltation? Does your gospel state that you deserve your earthly liberties or that you are free to do whatever pleases yourself? Is your gospel used to be the ultimate wish granter; put enough faith in, make a selection and receive what you selfishly asked for? When you give a defense for the hope that is within you, are you defending a political system, economic philosophy, government, politician, or even your government granted rights? Your gospel is one of self-indulgence, self-satisfaction, personal glorification, financial gain, it is of prideful boasts and holds yourself in such high esteem that you seek blessings under the belief that you deserve and have earned them. Your gospel views God as being a means to an end, a tool and servant for your own selfish desires, to provide you with that which you feel you deserve. You have created a god whose purpose and existence is to serve yourself, and you have led many astray, including many of God’s children, by this gospel falsely preached in the name of Christ. You do not serve the God of the Bible, but serve the two sides of the goddess Liberty which are Freedom and Rebellion, you view your faith as a license to do what pleases you at all costs and that not even the God of the Bible is allowed to take your goddess Liberty away from you. You fight against earthly authority and by extension God’s authority if their laws and decrees infringe on your desires. You also fight directly against God’s authority by holding yourself in such high esteem that you believe He owes you everything you selfishly desire, whether material riches, freedom from the consequences of your actions, or civil liberties. There is no difference between you and the Atheists except they truthfully and openly live in rebellion to God, while you hide behind a copy of God to conceal your rebellion. You view the civil liberties and freedoms granted to you through the government as something God owes you, or you seek freely to do what you want in order to fill your heart desires, picking and choosing passages to preach so long as it suits your purposes and that of elevating whatever flavor of your goddess, Liberty, that you desire. Matthew 13:27-30 shows that your time is coming when the true Christian Church will be separated from you. Your works and gospel will eventually be exposed as false and your gods as not gods. The day will come when the true Christians among you will realize they are wheat among the weeds, and those of your gospel in the true Christian church will be found out to be weeds among the wheat. If what I have just said offends you, yet you feel it doesn’t apply to you; I ask that you prayerfully examine your heart to make sure you are not one of those among the weeds.
To the true Christian church in America, we need to speak up. We need to drown out the incoherent noise of the gospel of the “American Church” with the sweet sound of the true Gospel of Christ. If you believe in the true Gospel, you will see that we are to serve God, not the other way around. We are to give up self; selfish desires, personal glory, pride, and seeking out personal blessings in order to serve God with our whole heart. You will believe that God is not to be a means to an end; rather, He is to be the end which gives our lives meaning. You will believe that true Gospel tells us we deserve nothing more than death due to our sins; but God freely gives us life through Christ and freedom from sin and death, not because we earned it but because He loves us and died for us taking our punishment on Himself. Our faith and by extension good works are not to be used to seek out His blessings as though we deserve them or can even earn them; but it is to be an expression of our gratitude for the blessings He has freely given to us no matter how big or small. Seek first God and go after Him only and you will find that your desires will be met, not because He will give you what you want due to selfish desires, but because He will change your desires to where He is all you want. It is for this reason, because of Christ being our only desire, that the true Christian will be able to “Praise the Lord Always!”

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Wake Up Church!!!

'Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil. ' 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22

WAKE UP CHURCH!!! Because this just goes to show how Satan can take that which is noble to cause division within the church having people question the other's faith because of the evil they choose to stand against. We didn't arrive in this position overnight either, just like Israel in the book of Judges we kept turning a blind eye to some evils while speaking out against others; and just like in the book of Judges the evil has gotten worse and so have the leaders.

I have seen today people lamenting on what is probably both sides of the argument regarding how could a Christian not vote for Trump. One was looking at it solely from the view of abortions and ending the practice here in the United States and thus voted Trump. The other is someone I know who is also extremely pro-life but also has been anti-Trump, I don't know who she voted for, but her the reasons were along the line of 1 Thessalonians 5:22 'Abstain from every form of evil.' as she saw the evil that Trump's careless, derogatory, dehumanizing words perpetrated among his fanatics, some views which when/if acted upon are the same actions that would put a woman in the position where she would be considering an abortion. One many Christians will praise for standing against abortion while giving the appearance of condoning all sorts of other evil, while the other has been called a bad Christian, that she shouldn't be serving in a church, and has even had people question her faith just because she made an attempt to stand against evil as the Holy Spirit led her. 

Abortion is evil, but so is crude talk, a derisive proud boastful spirit, being divisive, etc. and to God the small sins are just as evil as the big sins, no matter how much we humans wish it wasn't so. There is only one unforgiveable sin and that is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. 

We are the church; we are the ones that should be reaching out to either prevent a woman from getting into the position where abortion is even a thought or helping her to make the right decision, as even if illegal abortion will always be around. We should be going out and telling those who others dehumanize that they matter, showing them the love of Christ, not just telling them, but telling them about God's mercy and grace offered to them through Christ's work on the cross, forgiveness is available to all. We should be telling them of the freedom we have in and through Christ, a freedom that transcends governments, presidents, policies, etc.; a freedom to do GOOD and not evil, a freedom that brings glory and honor to God's name and advances His kingdom. Remember if the church actually acted the way it should and kept our focus on God, and not Liberty as many American Christians have done; then the policies that a secular government establishes, no matter how ungodly, should not matter as we should have more of an impact on people allowing the Holy Spirit to work on their hearts, than anything the government may do. Places and times Christianity has spread the most was when it was persecuted the most. Tertullian said, "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church"

Let me end with this, and I have said it many times over the last couple of weeks, I don't care who you voted for as long as it was approached with prayer and done by the conviction of the Holy Spirit. To be honest if I wasn't a Christian, I would probably be worried about this country no matter which candidate wins, even if it would have been a third-party candidate. That is because if I didn't have my faith that God is in control and nothing will happen that is outside of His will then all I would see is that the country is doomed regardless of who gets those 270 votes. That is why the best witness we can have to the world right now is not to divide the church but to act in unity to stand against ALL EVIL, no matter the outcome of the election to rejoice in the fact we belong to God, give Him thanks for the freedom we have in Christ and for His mercy and grace, and finally to PTLA (Praise the Lord Always)

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Wake up call to the Church in America.

'I am the Lord your God...You shall have no other gods before me.' Exodus 20:2-3
I dare to say the god of America isn't the God of the Bible but the Roman goddess Liberty. American Christianity and to an extent the concept of America being a Christian nation preaches a gospel where Liberty reigns supreme and her reign must be protected above all else. From what I have seen and read most of the actions that led to the American Revolution were done in her name not Christ's or even God's, theologians actually disagree on whether the American Revolution was truly an act of Biblical/Christian Civil Disobedience, and the references to God in the founding documents tend to be vague enough that they could apply to just about any religious belief system not just the Judeo-Christian God. The goddess Liberty has played a prominent role on our money more so than God has; in fact, you still see her name alongside the phrase "In God We Trust" on our coinage to which it leads you to ask which are we trusting, Liberty or the Lord? She is also one of the more prominent symbols of our nation, how many people think of the statue of Liberty as one of the first things when they think about America, they more than likely associate Lady Liberty to America than they do the God of the Bible. Finally, every election year I see many "Christians" become apologists for Liberty defending her as if she deserves the glory, expecting God and Christ to be her servants and that the Bible is to make her supreme over even the Lord Himself, remember the First and Second Commandments, "I am the Lord your God" and "You shall have no other gods before Me."
Remember God alone is sovereign and supreme. If it is in His Will that we have our freedoms, we will have them; but if He sees fit to take them away and prove He is greater than the goddess Liberty, the gospel of "American Christianity" won't protect them.
If your church preaches a gospel where their version of Christ and God are to serve and glorify America and Liberty, you are more likely not going to a Christian church. Christianity is soli Deo gloria not soli Libertas gloria.

Monday, November 2, 2020

American that is a Christian or Christian that is an American, which are you?

No by looking at my title you may wonder what's the difference between the two, and the best way to illustrate that is from two different sermons I have listened to recently. In my opinion both sermons were political in nature, and both touched on similar topics; the difference is where the pastor's focus was and the title of the sermons will illustrate that (sermons linked to in the comments). It is whether they view themselves first as an American or first as a Christian.
Gary Hamrick's sermon, though I am not sure if I can fully call it that, appears to be more of a defense against a political platform. His approach, to me, appears to be American first then Christian, to where he views as long as the political platform appears more Biblical than the other, you can turn a blind eye to the personality/character of a candidate, not realizing that a leader's personality/character can be just as influential on a nation and its practices as their policies/platform. 1 Kings 11 shows the folly of this thought where God tells Solomon that the kingdom of Israel (Northern 10 tribes) will be removed from him due to his sin (1 Kings 11:11); however, when the prophet Ahijah approaches Jeroboam to tell him we will be given the 10 tribes, it is because of Israel's sin (1 Kings 11:31-33). His sermon if you could actually call it that used Jeremiah 6:16-19 as a launching point at the start of the sermon just to say that the church in America is at a crossroads, after that I don't remember any reference to the Bible throughout the rest of the message.
David Platt on the other hand starts with 1 Peter 2:13-17 and constantly points back to Scripture. He states he isn't to share political opinions, convictions, etc.; nor is it how to exalt a political party or candidate, but he aims on showing how to exalt Jesus alone. He presents a message on being a Christian first then American. Concerned less about where the country is going but where people where will spend eternity. He points out our ultimate allegiance is to God, not a country and not a political party. Rather than turn a blind eye to evil for various reasons we should take ALL evil seriously not only in the platform but in the character of the candidates/leaders as well.
If you can only watch/listen to one of these sermons I would point you to David Platt's. One thing this election year has revealed to me is that a number of big-name Christians and ministries here in America appear to be make being an American to take priority over being a Christian using their faith to exalt a political party or candidate, instead of making being a Christian the priority by exalting Christ above all else. I will say I have also unfollowed a number of such ministries and pastors as they started to exalt a platform/party/candidate over exalting Christ. So, I will ask again are you an American that happens to be a Christian or a Christian that happens to be an American.

Book Review: Intersex in Christ: Ambiguous Biology and the Gospel

 Let me start out that to my knowledge I have not been diagnosed as or told I was Intersex, but would not be surprised if I was and just hav...